I did not know about the cabinets of curiosities called Wunderkammer before I read about this little Kickstarter gem from the Canadian designer Phil Glofcheskie. In the detailed and harmonious card frames he beautifully captured the feeling of this particular Rennesaince activity. I am thrilled to have Phil on the GHG to tell us about his new game and process.

Tell us a little about your background and how you got into designing and illustrating your own game?
My educational background is in fine arts, illustration and design, all pre-digital. Much of my study concentrated on traditional media like painting, printing, bookbinding, paper-making and woodworking. I also studied art history.
However, professionally my background is largely in digital media. I have worked in the video game industry, digital marketing, web development, educational entertainment and even emerging technologies like VR, AR and IoT. I am also interested in electronics, and have built or helped build functional prototypes for products.
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